Dealing with death and assets is always a challenging affair. The administration of deceased estates is a critical compliance function for the orderly winding-up of the financial affairs of the deceased, and the protection of the financial interests of heirs. Considering various instruments and the tax consequences in the estate planning process is crucial in protecting assets for future generations.

This practical online short course will equip you with the knowledge and technical skills to be able to wind up a deceased estate and to advise clients in the estate planning process.

At the end of this course, you will be able to draft the liquidation and distribution account in the process of efficiently winding-up a deceased estate and advise clients about the use of trusts, draft a valid trust deed, and attend to the effective administration of a trust.

Mode of delivery

Online learning with flexible weekly study plans.

Effort and duration

Duration: Seven months.

Weekly effort: Six to eight hours per week.

What you will learn in this course

The course will cover the following modules and topics:

  • Introduction to the estate landscape and procedural aspects.
  • Trust law and practice.
  • Donations tax and estate duty.
  • Estate planning.
  • Deceased estate administration process and drafting the liquidation and distribution account.

This course is for you if:

  • You are a tax consultant, employee of accounting, banking, and legal firms who, inter alia, specialise in the winding-up of estates and estate planning.
  • You are an employee at the Master of the High Court or SARS.

Admission requirements

  • A minimum of a degree (NQF 7) with a basic understanding of taxable income.
  • A specific Tax Technician Occupational Qualification (NQF 6); or
  • More than 10 years' experience working in the field of taxation or administration of estates in private or public office.


At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the consequences of different types of marital regimes and a married couple's ownership and control of assets in their estate.
  • Determine the normal tax consequences and capital gain consequence of a deceased person and deceased estate.
  • Assess who will be liable for all the outstanding taxes, and where the respective tax liabilities will feature in the liquidation and distribution account.
  • Contemplate the available tools that can be used in the estate planning process, including trusts and companies.


This course is presented as a short learning programme (SLP) by The Tax Faculty (TTF). TTF is accredited as a continuous professional development (CPD) provider by the South African Institute of Taxation (SAIT), a South African Revenue Services Recognised Controlling Body (RCB) under the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No 28 of 2011).

TTF is registered as a skills development partner (SDP) under the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No 97 of 1998) by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO).

Assessment, NQF level and award of certificate

Learners are assessed via a number of formative and summative assessments. Successful learners will receive a SLP certificate issued by The Tax Faculty. This SLP certificate is non-credit bearing, however, it is pitched at an NQF 8. Successful learners articulating into the Occupational Certificate: Tax Professional (NQF 8) programme at The Tax Faculty, will obtain credits on specific knowledge modules covered in this programme. In addition, this just-in-time learning programme also qualifies for verifiable CPD.

Student support and online campus

The academic and practical skills component of the qualification is delivered on The Tax Faculty's online Tax Campus.

This will be your virtual campus for the duration of the programme. The course is presented as micro-learning videos, study guides, practice quizzes, discussion forums, practical case studies, assignment briefs and guided presentations on how to master case studies and assignments. Academic lecturers are available on the Q&A portal as they would be in a classroom.

At the beginning of each semester, you'll be presented with the course content plan, a study plan and important assignment dates which are set out at manageable deadlines. This will help you study at your own pace.

In addition, you will be allocated a course consultant who will help you navigate the online campus, support you with your weekly participation and deadlines, and will be able to answer any administrative queries you may have.

Flexible payment options

Payment option 1: Once-off payment

Total: R21 950.00.

Payment option 2: Debit order

Application fee (non-refundable): R1 950.00.

Seven instalments: R3 285.00 per month.
Total: R24 945.00.

*The first debit order will run on the course start date and then on the first of every following month.

Payments and cancellations

  • All required minimum payments must be made by direct EFT or by credit card before the commencement of a course. The once-off payment is required to be paid before the course start date, as well as the application fee of learners on a debit order plan (the first debit order is also required on the start date of the course).
  • Kindly note that should debit order payment terms not be adhered to; legal action will be taken and access to the online learning platform suspended.
  • Proof of payment may also be requested before access to the online platform will be communicated, should your payment not reflect on The Tax Faculty’s bank account.
  • Only written notice of cancellation will be accepted.


For all short learning programmes (SLPs) with a seven-month or less rollout period, the following will apply:

  • If the cancellation is requested more than 10 working days prior to the course start date, no cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • If the cancellation occurs less than 10 working days prior to the course start date, a 100% cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • Students who register for a course and fail to attend will be held liable for the full course fee.
  • The course application fee is non-refundable.
  • The Tax Faculty’s liability in the case of a course being cancelled will be limited to a refund of the course fee.
  • Students who have failed to successfully complete the course, and wishing to repeat will be charged the full course fee to repeat.

Why wait?

Get your application in to avoid disappointment. Click below to start your application.

Skill Level: Beginner


Tax disputes are rising. Tax practitioners must have a solid grasp of the rules and practice of tax dispute resolution. Drafting an objection and appeal is considered an art and a science. Whilst the way in which an objection is drafted is very much dependent on the facts and procedure, it is also about substance and presentation. The professional skill to draft and present valid objections and appeals mitigate the risk and liability for the taxpayer.

The course will provide practical guidance to students in relation to the most common types of tax dispute issues in practice. The course includes the process to effectively deal with a SARS query, verification or audit, and the formal dispute and appeal aspects after an assessment. This course is based on the law and practice applicable to tax dispute resolution and is based on several actual and real-life case studies.

Mode of delivery

Online learning with flexible weekly study plans.

Effort and duration

Duration: Eight months.

Weekly effort: Four to six hours a week.

What you will learn in this course

The course will cover the following modules and topics:

  • Introduction to the Tax Administration Act (TAA) and taxpayer rights during a SARS audit.
  • The types and notices of assessments.
  • The onus of proof and prescription of assessments.
  • Remedies other than objection and appeal and drafting reduced assessment requests.
  • Penalties and remittance procedures and drafting remittance requests.
  • Overview of objection and appeal remedy and the right to ask for reasons.
  • Objections and drafting an objection.
  • Appeals and drafting an appeal.
  • Interlocutory applications and suspension of payment.
  • Capita selecta.

This programme is for you if:

  • You are a registered tax practitioner and need to build your tax dispute resolution skills.
  • You are a tax professional adviser or lawyer.
  • You are an in-house tax practitioner at a large corporate firm and need to build your confidence, skills, and competencies to apply principles in your daily work.
  • You are seeking the experience and practical scenarios in order to respond to tax dispute resolution work.

Admission requirements

Open to individuals currently working within taxation, finance, or tax law. An NQF 7 qualification in taxation, law or accounting is recommended.


On successful completion of this programme, you should be able to:

  • Advise on the rights and responsibilities of taxpayers and tax practitioners.
  • Successfully navigating audits and queries from SARS before an assessment is issued.
  • Proactively mitigate SARS penalties.
  • Draft an objection.
  • Deal with disputed assessments, including effectively suspending the obligation to pay a disputed amount.
  • Manage the dispute resolution process with SARS.


This course is presented as a short learning programme (SLP) by The Tax Faculty (TTF). TTF is recognised as a continuous professional development (CPD) provider by controlling bodies accredited in terms of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No 28 of 2011), and holds accreditation with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) as a skills development partner (SDP) under the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No 97 of 1998).

Assessment and award of certificate

Learners are assessed via a number of practical assignments and a final integrated assessment. Successful learners will receive a short learning programme certificate of competence issued by The Tax Faculty. In addition, this just-in-time learning programme also qualifies for verifiable Tax CPD.

Student support and online campus

The academic and practical skills component of the qualification is delivered on The Tax Faculty's online Tax Campus.

This will be your virtual campus for the duration of the programme. The course is presented as micro-learning videos, study guides, practice quizzes, discussion forums, practical case studies, assignment briefs and guided presentations on how to master case studies and assignments. Academic lecturers are available on the Q&A portal as they would be in a classroom.

At the beginning of each semester, you'll be presented with the course content plan, a study plan and important assignment dates which are set out at manageable deadlines. This will help you study at your own pace.

In addition, you will be allocated a course consultant who will help you navigate the online campus, support you with your weekly participation and deadlines, and will be able to answer any administrative queries you may have.

Flexible payment options

Payment option 1: Once-off payment 

R21 950.00.

Payment option 2: Debit order

Application fee (non-refundable): R1 950.00.

Six instalments: R3 850.00 per month.
Total: R25 050.00.

* First debit order will be collected on course start date. Remaining debit orders will be collected on the first day of each month.

Payments and cancellations

  • All required minimum payments must be made by direct EFT or by credit card before the commencement of a course. The once-off payment is required to be paid before the course start date, as well as the application fee of learners on a debit order plan (the first debit order is also required on the start date of the course).
  • Kindly note that should debit order payment terms not be adhered to; legal action will be taken and access to the online learning platform suspended.
  • Proof of payment may also be requested before access to the online platform will be communicated, should your payment not reflect on The Tax Faculty’s bank account.
  • Only written notice of cancellation will be accepted.

For all short learning programmes (SLPs) with a seven-month or less rollout period, the following will apply:

  • If the cancellation is requested more than 10 working days prior to the course start date, no cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • If the cancellation occurs less than 10 working days prior to the course start date, a 100% cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • Students who register for a course and fail to attend will be held liable for the full course fee.
  • The course application fee is non-refundable.
  • The Tax Faculty’s liability in the case of a course being cancelled will be limited to a refund of the course fee.
  • Students who have failed to successfully complete the course, and wishing to repeat will be charged the full course fee to repeat.

Why wait?

Get your application in to avoid disappointment. Click below to start your application.

Skill Level: Beginner

Managing employees’ remuneration effectively and efficiently will assist in maintaining a happy workforce. A payroll administrator who understands both the systems and the tax law relating to payroll management is a valuable asset for the business.

This professional certificate provides participants with the knowledge and practical skills required to progress their career in payroll tax administration. In this course, you will explore the concepts, principles, and South African legislation applicable to payroll administration. You will learn the practical application of performing the payroll administration function for an employer and the principles impacting payroll taxes.

The course is focused on integrating theory by simulating the real-life world of work and will enable students to advance their career in payroll administration.

Mode of delivery

Online and flexible learning.

Duration and effort

Duration: Six months.

Weekly effort: Four to six hours per week.

What you will learn in this course

The modules in the course curriculum include:

  • Understanding the world of tax and payroll.
  • Statutory requirements, including employment contracts.
  • Income related to salaried employees.
  • Fringe benefits.
  • Employee allowances.
  • Payroll process.
  • Payroll reports.
  • Third-party requirements.
  • Monthly payroll returns and reports such as EMP 201.
  • Annual returns and reports, including submissions to SARS via e@syFile.  

This course is for you if:

  • You are serious about advancing your career in payroll administration.
  • You are employed and require the knowledge and practical skills to advise employees on payroll taxes.
  • You own a business, and you want to learn how to administer the payment of salaries.
  • You have a passion for accounting, bookkeeping, payroll, and administration.

Admission requirements

A senior certificate or equivalent qualification or appropriate experience.


On successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Contextualize the world of tax in relation to payroll administration.
  • Summarize the different legislation affecting payroll administration.
  • Explain the role of a payroll administrator, common payroll tasks and statutory responsibilities.
  • Understand the foundational principles of pay-as-you-earn (PAYE), UIF, and SDL.
  • Calculate PAYE for different categories of salaried employees taking into consideration fringe benefits and allowances.
  • Calculate workers’ compensation, UIF, and SDL.
  • Prepare monthly payroll reports.
  • Complete the monthly SARS EMP201.
  • Conduct annual employer payroll reconciliations.
  • Prepare the SARS EMP501.


This course is presented as a short learning programme (SLP) by The Tax Faculty (TTF). TTF is recognised as a continuous professional development (CPD) provider by controlling bodies accredited in terms of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No 28 of 2011), and holds accreditation with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations as a skills development partner (SDP) under the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No 97 of 1998).

Assessment and award of certificate

Learners are assessed via a number of practical assignments and a final integrated assessment. Successful learners will receive a SLP certificate of competence issued by The Tax Faculty.

In addition, this just-in-time learning programme also qualifies for verifiable Tax CPD.

Student support and online campus

The academic and practical skills component of the qualification is delivered on The Tax Faculty's online Tax Campus.

This will be your virtual campus for the duration of the programme. The course is presented as micro-learning videos, study guides, practice quizzes, discussion forums, practical case studies, assignment briefs and guided presentations on how to master case studies and assignments. Academic lecturers are available on the Q&A portal as they would be in a classroom.

At the beginning of each semester, you'll be presented with the course content plan, a study plan and important assignment dates which are set out at manageable deadlines. This will help you study at your own pace.

In addition, you will be allocated a course consultant who will help you navigate the online campus, support you with your weekly participation and deadlines, and will be able to answer any administrative queries you may have.

Flexible payment options

Payment option 1: Once-off payment

Total: R13 950.00.

Payment option 2: Debit order

Application fee (non-refundable): R450.00.

Six instalments: R2 550.00 per month.

Total: R15 750.00.

* First debit order will be collected on course start date. Remaining debit orders will be collected on the first working day of each month.

Payments and cancellations

  • All required minimum payments must be made by direct EFT or by credit card before the commencement of the course. The once-off payment is required to be paid before the course start date, as well as the application fee of learners on a debit order plan (the first debit order is also required on the start date of the course).
  • Kindly note that should debit order payment terms not be adhered to; legal action will be taken and access to the online learning platform suspended.
  • Proof of payment may also be requested before access to the online platform will be communicated, should your payment not reflect on The Tax Faculty’s bank account.
  • Only written notice of cancellation will be accepted.


For all short learning programmes (SLPs) with a seven-month or less rollout period, the following will apply:

  • If the cancellation is requested more than 10 working days prior to the course start date, no cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • If the cancellation occurs less than 10 working days prior to the course start date, a 100% cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • Students who register for a course and fail to attend will be held liable for the full course fee.
  • The course application fee is non-refundable.
  • The Tax Faculty’s liability in the case of a course being cancelled will be limited to a refund of the course fee.
  • Students who have failed to successfully complete the course, and wishing to repeat will be charged the full course fee to repeat.

Why wait?

Get your application in to avoid disappointment. Click below to start your application.

Skill Level: Beginner


Growing international trade and commerce have resulted in international tax both for individuals and corporates and in particular transfer pricing considerations for multinational corporates. This has resulted in cooperation and collaboration with global revenue authorities.

This course combines the Professional Certificate in Principles of International Taxation and the Professional Certificate in Transfer Pricing. It provides students with the required breadth of knowledge, skills and understanding of international tax principles and practices and the main aspects of transfer pricing.

This professional certificate is aimed at tax practitioners who are no longer limited to domestic tax issues and wish to be able to manage and advise on cross-border transactions effectively. 

Mode of delivery

Online learning with flexible weekly study plans.

Effort and duration

Duration: 12 months.

Weekly effort: Four to six hours a week.

What you will learn in this course

The course is divided into two semesters and covers the following modules and topics.

Semester 1: Principles of international tax

  • Basic principles of international tax law and principles.
  • Double taxation conventions (DTCs), focusing on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) model tax convention.
  • Transfer pricing and thin capitalisation rules.
  • International tax avoidance, including South African anti-avoidance legislation and cases, money laundering and tax havens.
  • Miscellaneous topics (indirect taxes, cross-border mergers, and estate duty and donations tax in the context of international tax).

Semester 2: Transfer pricing

  • Transfer pricing introduction.
  • Arm's length principle.
  • Functional analysis.
  • Transfer pricing methods.
  • Fundamental sources.
  • Comparability.
  • Specific transactions.
  • Permanent establishment.
  • Compliance issues and required documentation: ITR14.
  • Avoiding double taxation.
  • Dispute resolution.

The curriculum detail matches the syllabus of the Advanced Diploma in International Tax (ADIT) offered by the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) in the UK and prepares learners to successfully complete the first compulsory module of the ADIT and the transfer pricing module.

This course is for you if:

  • You are a tax practitioner with domestic tax knowledge seeking a comprehensive and practical understanding of international tax.
  • You are an in-house tax practitioner of an enterprise and need to build your confidence, skills, and competencies to identify and apply international tax principles in your environment.
  • You are a finance professional working with multinational corporations.
  • You are a tax advisor/lawyer seeking to stay abreast of the ever-changing world of international taxation and transfer pricing.

Admission requirements

Open to individuals currently working within taxation, finance, or tax law. An NQF 6 qualification in taxation, law or accounting is recommended.


After successful completion of this programme, you should be able to:

  • Determine whether a taxpayer is a SA tax resident or not, considering all local residency rules and international agreements or considerations.
  • Assess the tax implications of a taxpayer based on their resident status as well as double tax agreements.
  • Identify cross-border transactions as well as the related tax effects after taking any double tax agreements into account.
  • Provide tax advice related to a taxpayer’s residency, double tax agreements as well as cross-border transactions.
  • Evaluate the effect of transfer pricing on various international transactions.
  • Differentiate between tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion on an international tax level.
  • Identify and apply local and international anti-tax avoidance measures.
  • Action transfer pricing compliance of significant complexity.
  • Provide advice related to transfer pricing tax risks, processes, and transactions.
  • Initiate and manage controversy and dispute resolution in relation to transfer pricing.


This course is presented as a SLP by The Tax Faculty (TTF) and approved by the Chartered Institute of Taxation as a preparation course for the ADIT examination for Principles of International Taxation. TTF is recognised as a continuous professional development (CPD) provider by controlling bodies accredited in terms of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No 28 of 2011), and holds accreditation with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations as a skills development partner (SDP) under the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No 97 of 1998).

Assessment and award of certificate

Learners are assessed via a number of formative and summative assessments. Successful learners will receive a SLP certificate issued by The Tax Faculty. This SLP certificate is non-credit bearing, however, learners may elect to register for examinations via the Advanced Diploma in International Tax, offered in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Taxation.

In addition, this just-in-time learning programme also qualifies for verifiable CPD.

Student support and online campus

The academic and practical skills component of the qualification is delivered on The Tax Faculty's online Tax Campus.

This will be your virtual campus for the duration of the programme. The course is presented as micro-learning videos, study guides, practice quizzes, discussion forums, practical case studies, assignment briefs and guided presentations on how to master case studies and assignments. Academic lecturers are available on the Q&A portal as they would be in a classroom.

At the beginning of each semester, you'll be presented with the course content plan, a study plan and important assignment dates which are set out at manageable deadlines. This will help you study at your own pace.

In addition, you will be allocated a course consultant who will help you navigate the online campus, support you with your weekly participation and deadlines, and will be able to answer any administrative queries you may have.

Flexible payment options

Payment option 1: Once-off payment 

Once-off payment: R25 950.00.

Alternatively, two semester payments: R12 975.00 per semester (to be paid on or before semester start date).

Application fee (non-refundable, immediate payment upon registration): R450.00. This amount is included in the once-off total and will not be charged additionally.

Payment option 2: Debit order

Once-off application fee (non-refundable, immediate payment upon registration): R450.00 

  • Start of first semester (to be paid before or on semester start date): R5 000.00. First semester remaining debit orders, five instalments: R1 850.00 per month.
  • Start of second semester (to be paid before or on semester start date): R5 000.00. Second semester remaining debit orders, five instalments: R1 850.00 per month.
  • Please note semester invoicing will be processed every six (6) months.

Total for debit order option: R28 950.00.

* First debit order will be collected from the second month of semester start date. Remaining debit orders will be collected on the first working day of each month.

Payments and cancellations

  • All required minimum payments must be made by direct EFT or by credit card before the commencement of a course. The once-off payment is required to be paid before the course start date, as well as the application fee of learners on a debit order plan (the first debit order is also required on the start date of the course).
  • Kindly note that should debit order payment terms not be adhered to; legal action will be taken and access to the online learning platform suspended.
  • Proof of payment may also be requested before access to the online platform will be communicated, should your payment not reflect on The Tax Faculty’s bank account.
  • Only written notice of cancellation will be accepted.


For courses with a 12-month or longer rollout, the following will apply:

  • If the cancellation is requested more than two weeks prior to the course start date, no cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • If the cancellation occurs less than two weeks prior to the course start date, a 25% cancellation fee will be applicable on the full course fee.
  • Should a cancellation be received within six weeks after the course start date, the student will still be liable for 50% of the full course fee.
  • Should the cancellation be received after six weeks of the course start date, the student will be liable for the full course fee.
  • Students who register for a course and fail to attend will be held liable for the full course fee.
  • The course application fee is non-refundable.
  • Students who have failed to successfully complete the course, and wishing to repeat will be charged the full course fee to repeat.

Why wait?

Get your application in to avoid disappointment. Click below to start your application.

Skill Level: Beginner


As the world becomes increasingly dominated by international trade and commerce, the role of the tax practitioner is no longer limited to a domestic tax perspective or view. A growing freedom for employees to work remotely across the globe, crypto-assets and offshore investments has resulted in the need for all tax practitioners to assist clients with international tax principles and rules.

This professional certificate provides students with the required breadth of knowledge, skills and understanding of international tax principles and practices. The course curriculum is based on the OECD model convention and covers the fundamentals relating to key international tax principles and practices, with particular emphasis on residence, treaty interpretation, transfer pricing and thin capitalisation, the work of the OECD, and international tax avoidance.

This professional certificate is aimed at tax practitioners who wish to be able to manage cross-border transactions effectively and retain their competitive edge through the inclusion of international taxation services or offerings.

Mode of delivery

Online and flexible learning.

Effort and duration

Duration: Six months.

Weekly effort: Four to six hours per week.

What you will learn in this course

This course will cover the following modules and topics:

  • Basic principles of international tax law and principles.
  • Double taxation conventions (DTCs), focusing on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) model tax convention.
  • Transfer pricing and thin capitalisation rules.
  • International tax avoidance, including South African anti-avoidance legislation and cases, money laundering and tax havens.
  • Miscellaneous topics (indirect taxes, cross-border mergers, and estate duty and donations tax in the context of international tax).

The curriculum detail matches the syllabus of the Advanced Diploma in International Tax (ADIT) offered by the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) in the UK and prepares students to successfully complete the first compulsory module of the ADIT.

This programme is for you if:

  • You are a tax practitioner with domestic tax knowledge seeking a comprehensive and practical understanding of international tax.
  • You are an in-house tax practitioner of an enterprise and need to build your confidence, skills, and competencies to identify and apply international tax principles in your environment.
  • You are a finance professional working with multinational corporations.
  • You are a tax advisor/lawyer seeking to stay abreast of the ever-changing world of international taxation.

Admission requirements

Open to individuals currently working within taxation, finance, or tax law. An NQF 6 qualification in taxation, law or accounting is recommended.


After successful completion of this programme, you should be able to:

  • Determine whether a taxpayer is a South African tax resident or not, considering all local residency rules and international agreements or considerations.
  • Assess the tax implications of a taxpayer based on their resident status as well as double tax agreements.
  • Identify cross-border transactions as well as the related tax effects after taking any double tax agreements into account.
  • Provide tax advice related to a taxpayer’s residency, double tax agreements as well as cross-border transactions.
  • Evaluate the effect of transfer pricing on various international transactions.
  • Differentiate between tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion on an international tax level.
  • Identify and apply local and international anti-tax avoidance measures.


This course is presented as a SLP by The Tax Faculty (TTF) and approved by the Chartered Institute of Taxation as a preparation course for the ADIT examination for Principles of International Taxation. TTF is recognised as a continuous professional development (CPD) provider by controlling bodies accredited in terms of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No 28 of 2011), and holds accreditation with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) as a skills development partner (SDP) under the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No 97 of 1998).

Assessment and award of certificate

Students are assessed via a number of formative and summative assessments. Successful learners will receive a SLP certificate issued by The Tax Faculty. This SLP certificate is non-credit bearing, however, students may elect to register for this standalone examination via the Advanced Diploma in International Tax, offered in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Taxation. In addition, this just-in-time learning programme also qualifies for verifiable CPD.

Student support and online campus

The academic and practical skills component of the qualification is delivered on The Tax Faculty's online Tax Campus.

This will be your virtual campus for the duration of the programme. The course is presented as micro-learning videos, study guides, practice quizzes, discussion forums, practical case studies, assignment briefs and guided presentations on how to master case studies and assignments. Academic lecturers are available on the Q&A portal as they would be in a classroom.

At the beginning of each semester, you'll be presented with the course content plan, a study plan and important assignment dates which are set out at manageable deadlines. This will help you study at your own pace.

In addition, you will be allocated a course consultant who will help you navigate the online campus, support you with your weekly participation and deadlines, and will be able to answer any administrative queries you may have.

Flexible payment options

Payment option 1: Once-off payment

R16 950.00.

Payment option 2: Debit order

Application fee (non-refundable): R1 950.00.

Six instalments: R2 750.00 per month.
Total: R18 450.00.

This fee excludes any external exams via SAIT or ADIT.

* First debit order will be collected on course start date. Remaining debit orders will be collected on the first day of each month.

Payments and cancellations

  • All required minimum payments must be made by direct EFT or by credit card before the commencement of a course. The once-off payment is required to be paid before the course start date, as well as the application fee of learners on a debit order plan (the first debit order is also required on the start date of the course).
  • Kindly note that should debit order payment terms not be adhered to; legal action will be taken and access to the online learning platform suspended.
  • Proof of payment may also be requested before access to the online platform will be communicated, should your payment not reflect on The Tax Faculty’s bank account.
  • Only written notice of cancellation will be accepted.


For all short learning programmes (SLPs) with a seven-month or less rollout period, the following will apply:

  • If the cancellation is requested more than 10 working days prior to the course start date, no cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • If the cancellation occurs less than 10 working days prior to the course start date, a 100% cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • Students who register for a course and fail to attend will be held liable for the full course fee.
  • The course application fee is non-refundable.
  • The Tax Faculty’s liability in the case of a course being cancelled will be limited to a refund of the course fee.
  • Students who have failed to successfully complete the course, and wishing to repeat will be charged the full course fee to repeat.

Why wait?

Get your application in to avoid disappointment. Click below to start your application.

Skill Level: Beginner

Course overview

Transfer pricing is a complex speciality that represents a unique blend of tax law, accounting, business practice and economics and remains a top priority for corporates and revenue authorities globally, with a growing emphasis on audits and disputes. This short learning programme covers the main aspects of transfer pricing with examples including transfer pricing methods, the arm’s length principle, comparability, compliance issues, avoiding double taxation and dispute resolution within a South African context.

This course is aimed at individuals working within transfer pricing who need to consolidate their practical knowledge or for experienced tax practitioners/accountants wanting to specialise in transfer pricing from both a compliance and advisory level perspective.

Mode of delivery

Online learning with flexible weekly study plans.

Effort and duration

Duration: Six months.

Weekly effort: Four to six hours per week.

What you will learn in this course

The course will cover the following modules and topics:
  • Introduction to transfer pricing.
  • Arm's length principle.
  • Functional analysis.
  • Transfer pricing methods.
  • Fundamental sources.
  • Comparability.
  • Specific transactions.
  • Permanent establishment.
  • Compliance issues and required documentation: ITR14.
  • Avoiding double taxation.
  • Dispute resolution.

The course is for you if:

  • You are a tax adviser supporting clients from an international perspective.
  • You are a finance professional working with multinational corporations.
  • You are an in-house tax practitioner at a large corporate firm and need to build your confidence, skills, and competencies to apply principles in your daily work.
  • You need to keep up with fast-changing developments in tax law and stay ahead in the transfer pricing field.

Admission requirements

Open to individuals currently working within transfer pricing or for experienced tax practitioners/accountants wanting to specialise in transfer pricing. It is preceded by the Professional Certificate in Principles of International Taxation; therefore, a base level of transfer pricing and tax knowledge is required. An NQF 6 qualification in taxation, law or accounting is recommended.


After successful completion of this course, you will be able to perform the following tax advisory functions at an advanced level:
  • Action transfer pricing compliance of significant complexity.
  • Provide advice related to transfer pricing tax risks, processes, and transactions.
  • Initiate and manage controversy and dispute resolution in relation to transfer pricing.


This course is presented as a short learning programme (SLP) by The Tax Faculty (TTF). TTF is accredited as a continuous professional development (CPD) provider by the South African Institute of Taxation (SAIT), a South African Revenue Services Recognised Controlling Body (RCB) under the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No 28 of 2011).

TTF is registered as a skills development partner (SDP) under the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No 97 of 1998) by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO).

Assessment and award of certificate

Students are assessed via a number of formative and summative assessments. Successful learners will receive a SLP certificate issued by The Tax Faculty. This SLP certificate is non-credit bearing, however, students may elect to register for this standalone examination via the Advanced Diploma in International Tax, offered in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Taxation.

In addition, this just-in-time learning programme also qualifies for verifiable CPD.

Student support and online campus

The academic and practical skills component of the qualification is delivered on The Tax Faculty's online Tax Campus.

This will be your virtual campus for the duration of the programme. The course is presented as micro-learning videos, study guides, practice quizzes, discussion forums, practical case studies, assignment briefs and guided presentations on how to master case studies and assignments. Academic lecturers are available on the Q&A portal as they would be in a classroom.

At the beginning of each semester, you'll be presented with the course content plan, a study plan and important assignment dates which are set out at manageable deadlines. This will help you study at your own pace.

In addition, you will be allocated a course consultant who will help you navigate the online campus, support you with your weekly participation and deadlines, and will be able to answer any administrative queries you may have.

Flexible payment options

Payment option 1: Once-off payment

R16 950.00.

Payment option 2: Debit order

Application fee (non-refundable): R1 950.00.

Six instalments: R2 750.00 per month.
Total: R18 450.00 per year.

* First debit order will be collected on course start date. Remaining debit orders will be collected on the first day of each month.

Payments and cancellations

  • All required minimum payments must be made by direct EFT or by credit card before the commencement of a course. The once-off payment is required to be paid before the course start date, as well as the application fee of learners on a debit order plan (the first debit order is also required on the start date of the course).
  • Kindly note that should debit order payment terms not be adhered to; legal action will be taken and access to the online learning platform suspended.
  • Proof of payment may also be requested before access to the online platform will be communicated, should your payment not reflect on The Tax Faculty’s bank account.
  • Only written notice of cancellation will be accepted.


For all short learning programmes (SLPs) with a seven-month or less rollout period, the following will apply:

  • If the cancellation is requested more than 10 working days prior to the course start date, no cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • If the cancellation occurs less than 10 working days prior to the course start date, a 100% cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • Students who register for a course and fail to attend will be held liable for the full course fee.
  • The course application fee is non-refundable.
  • The Tax Faculty’s liability in the case of a course being cancelled will be limited to a refund of the course fee.
  • Students who have failed to successfully complete the course, and wishing to repeat will be charged the full course fee to repeat.

Why wait?

Get your application in to avoid disappointment. Click below to start your application.

Skill Level: Beginner